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For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

I sometimes wonder what would have happened had I not obeyed God’s instructions .

I understand how crucial it is for us to do everything God tells you to do—without reservation! Obedience to Him and His Word will not only drastically effect our lives, but it will change the lives of countless others as well. What about you? Have you stepped out in faith and given birth to something God put in your heart to do? Or are you holding back in fear, wondering, Can I do it? The truth is, if God has given you an assignment, it’s because He knew He could trust you carry it out—not someone else. No matter how small and insignificant you think you are, when you stand on the Word of God and walk in His will,

whatever He has purposed for you to do or to be in life will happen. It’s not that other people are not capable of doing what God told you to do, but the assignment has been given to you. So, get busy and do it, and just watch how God will reward your obedience!


Are there areas of your life where it looks like all hope is gone? Have you tried, and tried until you just don’t have the desire or strength to try anymore? Do you feel like you’re caught between a rock and a hard place—with seemingly no way out? If your answer to these questions is yes, then here’s one more question and I hope you won’t have the same answer: “Will you continue to stay in a place where nothing good is happening for you and die spiritually, or will you choose to get up, take a stand on God’s Word and embrace the blessed life God has planned and purposed for you? God has designed a wonderful plan for your life. But the devil is going to do everything in his power to hinder or stop you—to keep you focusing on past failures, or your present depressing condition—so you won’t try just one more time to move forward. Don’t fall for his tricks any longer. Instead, be like Apostle Paul who put his past behind him and moved on to where he knew his victory was. That’s how every believer should react. When trouble comes, when hardship presses in on you, think and act just like Paul. Look toward the goal God has set for you, and press to get there. That’s where God is, and He’s waiting for you to be there with Him.

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