In 2019 Coalition for the Congolese People ( CO.CO.PE ) approved EMBASSY OF MALTA ( KMFAP ) to embed a partnership approach in engagement with Malta NGOs (Femeraid and Malta Cross ).
A key aspect: funding flexibility, (multi-year funding) and establishing opportunities for CO.C0.PE Partnership Agreements with NGOs that have a large Malta community support base
On the basis of these criteria, CO.CO.PE negotiated Ten-year partnership agreements in 2019 with Malta Cross and Femeraid International. To help alleviate poverty by accelerating progress
Under the partnership agreement both CO.CO.PE and Partner NGOs agree to work on three shared objectives:
Reduce Poverty – Expand and enhance community development programs that address the causes and effects of poverty, recognizing the importance of gender equality and disability-inclusive development.
Build Partnerships – between each other, local communities, businesses, the private sector, institutions, universities, and NGOs to enhance the impact of Malta aid and development efforts.
Be Accountable – to each other and transparent about the partnership with aid recipients, and the other donors.
Build Community Support – work to increase the understanding and knowledge in communities in Malta, and overseas, about Malta’s efforts to reduce poverty.
Demonstrate Results and share Experiences – share lessons learned from the program and
partnership activities and respect each other’s comparative knowledge of policy and
programming decisions.
For CO.CO.PE the intent of the partnerships is to provide opportunities to extend its reach in sectors and geographic areas of interest, increase its international profile, and more effectively engage the Malta Embassy in Congo on long-term development objectives.
For the NGOs, the partnerships provide an expanded funding base; predictable funding over multiple years, and a platform for regular policy dialogue with CO.CO.PE. Partner NGOs were selected by CO.CO.PE.
Each bilateral partnership has its own set of priorities to support the shared goals and objectives of the
agreement. They are very specific and work to the strengths and experience of each NGO as
outlined below:
FEMERAID INT’L: Skills Training and Technical Education; Education; Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition, Climate Change. Water and Sanitation; Environmental Sustainability.
MALTA CROSS: Early Childhood Care and Development, Sanitation, and Hygiene; Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods; Protection and Promotion of Rights and Community Resilience.
KMFAP MALTA: Strategic Disability Inclusive Development Programs; Development Effectiveness; Partner Capacity Development; and Evidence, Education, and Advocacy

Corporate Partnership
We intend to forge long-term partnerships with people and organizations who have an approach that is in sync with our goals and motives and are able to contribute to our activities in an efficient and comprehensive manner. It is crucial that our partners share with us a deep understanding of the issues we wish to tackle,