Our health preventive and curative programs aim at ensuring child survival and improvement of child nutrition and health standards through a FOOD SECURITY PROGRAMME. This program is achievable by proper coordination of children's feeding programs at the school level, A close observation reveals that the majority of the Congo children are underfed malnourished, and vulnerable to diseases infection, and deprivation of basic rights.
CO.CO.PE, a health program takes healthcare services to the doorsteps of underserved communities
The program provides curative as well as preventive services, addressing the gaps in availability, accessibility, and affordability of healthcare.
Connecting people from remote rural areas with doctors for specialized healthcare from nearby urban health centres.
Seeks to provide quality healthcare to the rural and urban poor through free community health. Launched in 2019 we offered services to over 8200 individuals such as screening, diagnosis, and treatment of basic diseases, public health education, voluntary counseling and testing, and provision of free medicine.
CO.CO.PE’s Fast and Fair Vaccine campaign
Co.CO.PE Fast and Fair Vaccine initiative currently supports less privileged people in equitably delivering COVID-19 vaccines.
Since the initiative started, CO.COPE CLINICS has worked to promote vaccine safety, organize vaccine delivery, train health workers and volunteers, help ensure access for people who need it most, and mobilize people to get the vaccine by helping those with no internet access register for vaccines and keep appointments.
That has resulted in thousands of people getting vaccinated in the rural places where is supporting vaccines. 1million people have had access to accurate information on vaccines through mass media and tailored vaccine messages.
Access to basic reproductive, maternal, and child health services is still a major challenge for the Republic of Congo
is to ensure free health care for certain diseases such as malaria and provide vaccines free of charge in INGIE and EMVOUBA Districts . to meet the healthcare needs of the unprivileged population in 6 districts, by increasing access to essential health services.
Access to basic reproductive, maternal, and child health services is still a major challenge for the Republic of Congo, where the high mortality rate could be attributed to the poor quality of services. Although skilled birth attendants assist with almost 90% of births in health facilities and maternal mortality rates have fallen in recent decades, the rate remains high (378 deaths per 100,000 live births.
For the most part, households have to pay directly for health care services, with catastrophic consequences for the poorest among them. Co.Co.PE provides free health care and services for pregnant women and children and fee exemptions for the poorest households
COVID-19, CO.CO.PE Sanitary pads in the schools
During COVID-19, CO.CO.PE Clinic Served and distributed the sanitary Pads, engaged in pieces training in personal and environmental hygiene, hands washing promotion campaigns during the pandemic, and health and hygiene promotion. In our school and others in the communities.
Teachers confirmed that girls used to be very embarrassed when they soiled their dresses in school but after the training in menstrual management, this problem has since been addressed. Girls are happy to join the school and stay undisrupted.
Retention at INGIE has significantly improved. The teachers interviewed confirmed that since the project began, the dropout rate has been insignificant. In 2019 for example, only 2-3 children dropped out of school while 2022 has so far recorded no dropout. The school confirmed that children are now healthier and able to attend school without distractions. Parents confirmed that so far, the completion rate is good including for the over-aged learners (16-20 years). They estimated the completion to have increased from 60% to 95% in the last three years. Performance has also significantly improved at INGIE. Compared to 2021, the Mean Score improved by an estimated 11+ points in 2022.
Nutrition activities
CO.CO.PE has supported many children with nutrition activities in the Congo
that promote health, prevent disease, and prolong life.
The effects of nutritional deficiencies and malnutrition can be devastating for both children and adults.
Globally, about half of all child deaths are linked to malnutrition.
Our nutrition programs both preventive and therapeutic strategies within households and at health facilities to improve the nutritional status of pregnant women
We focus on promoting essential nutrition actions, including:
Optimal breastfeeding during the first six months.
Complementary feeding starts at six months with continued breastfeeding to two years of age and beyond.
Nutritional care for sick and severely malnourished children.
Prevention of vitamin A deficiency.
Adequate intake of iron and folic acid for the prevention and control of anemia.
In each community, health agents and technical teams collaborate to develop strategies to improve eating habits and nutritive intake, which reduces the risk of maternal and child malnutrition and anemia. Home visits, Mothers’ Clubs, and mentor mothers encourage the adoption of recommended behaviors by educating women and reinforcing the importance and benefits to them and their children.
The Program in LIKUALA District
Pregnant women refugees from Goma /RDC and children under age five are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition when they flee from Goma to Likuala , which contributes to poor outcomes for mother and child. Within our CHAMPS in Likaula initiative, the First 6 Moths program supports two especially vulnerable groups:
Babies from birth to age two
Pregnant women
Our programs there have reached thousands of children and their families. Pregnant women have been provided with nutritional supplements and underweight and malnourished treatment have been treated.
Successful nutrition interventions can break the chain of low birth weight, malnutrition, and poverty. Among children participating in the program,
Among pregnant women, most CHAMPS program participants had fully recovered from anemia before their due date.