To equip the African child for tomorrow Through the love of Jesus Christ serves children and youth with the purpose of nurturing them to grow maturely in all aspects by providing service and helping them. toward creating computer awareness at a tender age, for the acquisition of computer knowledge for future academic, mental, psychological, and social-economic challenges in life. by these, the name of the Lord will be exalted and the community will benefit.
Better livelihood among disadvantaged people and persons with disabilities.
To have an improved living status and break the vulnerability of persons living with disabilities and vulnerable people
Includes the following
1. To reach children and mature them for Christ
2. To establish children's Dream centres in different locations throughout the country and beyond
3. To establish computer labs in every public primary school in the country and beyond
4. To plant schools in needy communities in the Gambia and beyond for the purpose of carrying out Religious instructions and provision of qualitative education for the relevant category of persons in the Republic of Congo
5 To assist the less privileged Congo child in developing his/her potential.
6 To engage and assist in self-help projects such as the provision of transport, youth centres, small-scale vegetable gardening, clinics medical centers. etc
To achieve these aims and objective child Concerns International works on
1. Education
2. Health
3. Social Welfare
4. Bible outraces / Evangelion
5. water
6. Food distribution
7. Financial opportunity
A. Education
Our educational programs aim at providing quality education for all target groups i.e. the young child through early childhood care education (ECCE) and elementary preparatory and primary school for children (6-13 years) A deals cent. male/female secondary school and bible Training institutes/colleges etc.
B. Health
Our health preventive and curative programs aim at ensuring child survival and improvement of child nutrition and health standards through a FOOD SECURITY PROGRAMME. This program is achievable by proper coordination of children's feeding programmed at the school level, a close observation reveal that the majority of the Congo children are underfed malnourished, and vulnerable to diseases infection, and deprivation of basic right.
Our social welfare package is in line with the guidelines of the Dept of Social Welfare Madingou in collaboration with the child welfare unit of the Congo police force and the Department of State for Education, guidance and counseling unit.
It is our vision to become an international ministry that reaches people with the gospel of Jesus Christ which will instruct young people in the ways of the Lord
Action-oriented research and resource centre for children/adult/ men and women research work shall be carried out to assist the background needs problems, beliefs/customs of children using both the quantitative and qualitative participatory Action Approaches (PAA) to meet expected outcomes as well as soliciting
Aids cash/kinds for valuable resources and materials
Systematic evaluation monitoring activities and a follow-up reporting system shall also form a major component activities of. Co.Co.Pe child.
It is our vision to achieve positive changes in the area of cardinal programming in order to help African children, access quality relevant and affordable early development needs educational Health, care, and protection by the year 2030.
CO.CO.PE Child shall be focusing on the following activities for now vi3
1) Establish of school { Nursery $ primary school this has since commenced September 2017with an Initial enrolment of twenty-three (23) pupils and currently growing rapidly to about 700 pupils
2) Established Destiny Scholarship Scheme, which has since commenced in September 2017 more than 300 children have benefited from this program
3. Establishment of computer labs in public primary schools in both Congo Brazzaville and DRCongo where more than 50% of the population of both countries and primary school pupils never have asses to computer education. This also serves as primary school evangelism for the purpose of reaching the primary school pupils in the primary schools in Congo.
4) Seeking Aid in kind/cash to address our child's survival under the child nutrition and food security programs
5) Researching and acting as a collection centre for assorted books bibles and literature tablet devises, cell phones, Earphones, Computers, and other educational resource materials as magazines journals new letters papers, etc.
6. Organization of conference, worship seminars, and lecture meetings with parents and all children leaders and Trainers.
7. Organization of children camp meeting youth groups at village district or school level for capacity building in relevant learning needs and use later at appropriate time.
8. Follow - up -evaluation and regular reporting system
The Pre-Primary School has provided its first products into the CO.CO.PE INGIE primary school since 2018 / 2019.
The schools are strategically located in INGIE, ENVOUBA district, and Font tie tie at Pointe Noire.
It took off precisely on 20th September 1999. With a total enrollment of twenty-nine males and eleven females.
The school gradually grew to current statures of. (700 children) with 210 male and 490 female enrollment with current numbers of 10 teachers one administrator one cleaner one security, and one account clerk a total staff roll of 12. There is a growing girls enrollment in preference to male counterparts.
From 2018 till now 2023 the schools have been operating from an uncompleted school building and without any basic social amenities that they needed
In 2020 CO.CO.PE has been able to procure the proposed construction of five classroom blocks and an office complex with a legal land legislation agreement document on permanent land. measuring 45.50 cm by 30.250m. we were donated land from the Government located at Mpanga Municipal to build our hospital and school. this however depends on the availability of funding.
The majority of our pupil comes from a distance afar from the school location affordable mean of sizeable
transportation (vehicle) or (Bus) would help to alleviate the suffering of both parents / Guardians and children from to and from school in a very busy comp titan motor highways.
Over the years our recorded findings show over 85% of our pupils are from poor family backgrounds consequent to poorer feeding or datary system children are sleeping in the class with sickness and low concentration due to hunger . Attempts by Co.CO.PE, to start a child survival feeding program at breakfast on a daily school day but this program met with failure owing to lack of funding to help see earlier initiative mores by CO.CO.PE during the day.
Learning here is Co.CO.PE takes place in difficult and strenuous environments and/or conditions. The seats of children is poor as long benches with the long table are used for 3 or 4 children in a site added to the problem with the uncompleted classrooms building.
1. Financing the construction of four classrooms and an office complex and Chlinics is the permanent site and fencing the school compound and construction of three school toilets.
2. Solving the seats/chairs/tables needs of the school for comfort ability and convince.
3. Assisting the school in procuring relevant doors (Extracurricular Activities)
4. Sponsoring A planned child survival feeding program of school to med dally breakfast requirement of every enrolled child and staff.
5. Sponsor a school location in a needs community ours is to plant schools in a needing community in the Gambia. We have identified more than 10 needing communities without schools.
6. Transport facilities - vehicle - van or Bus for conveying pupils to and from school.
7. Supplies of office equipment 1.e computers and Accessories tile cabinets jackets duplicating material and papers, printers generating plant / solar planet pans.
8. Assorted relevant storybooks picture books guide books for nursery and primary pupils teachers' resource materials etc. children's dictionaries with pictures pictographs posters etc, Bible and Bible literature Audio - visual tapes, etc.
In the next five years want to see schools and healthcare planted in these ten needing communities. These communities are in need of education and hospitals centre for their children, is our plan and vision to see this dream come true. They are as follows.
EMVOUBA community target September 2024
Pool community, Target September 2025
OBE VILE, Target date September 2026
Mouyonzi community, Target date September 2027
INGIE community, Target date September 2028
Yamaba community, Target date September 2029.
Pointe Noire community, Target date September 2030
Also part of our plan for the next for years is to see needing children in the area enjoy scholarship opportunities.
3. That public schools in the Congo have computer labs.
In the Congo, we have more than 180,000 pupils in public schools who never sit down in front of the computer, iPad, Tablet device or Cell android this has to be changed we are committed to our lives to see this vision come to pass
Our Target schools for 2011 are 10-15 schools and 2 modern Hospitals with X-ray and radiotherapies look at tabs 2.4 below.
Our three major targets are the following years.
Establish schools in needy communities
Establish computer labs in public schools where they are highly needed.
Give more hope to the less privileged through our scholarship program
Our vision for 2030, is the conjunction of the above plan and vision for the rest five divisions in Congo, with our Seven pillars plan for the next ten years,
More school planting, Establishing computer labs in public primary schools, and scholarships to the less privileged children. in the rural area where these are highly needed,
Our purpose in doing this is to reach them with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in Africa
WE SEEK TO COLLABORATE WITH INTERESTED GROUPS individuals philanthropic or international NGOs or agencies on the basis of trust confidence and cooperation
we enjoin you to work with Coalition for the Congolese People in order to achieve our desired goal/objectives